Inspired by and created with the four elements – Air, Earth, Fire, Wind – these diffusers will inspire and challenge you. The colours are swirled on the top half of this diffuser. Each 3" tabletop diffuser is handblown and comes with a 60 ml bottle of signature, all-natural essential oil scent, which was blended to represent its element.
Place anywhere that you would use an air freshener for a fresh scent and beautiful décor piece.
The Air Diffuser scent is a mix of Lavender, Peppermint and Litsea Lemon.
The Earth diffuser scent is a mix of Lemongrass, Patchouli and Lime.
The Fire diffuser scent is a mix of Cinnamon Leaf, Tangerine and Vanilla.
The Water diffuser scent is a mix of Wintergreen, Grapefruit and Lemon.